Thursday, June 30, 2011

Low-Key Thursday

As the title states, today was a fairly low-key day. We started off the day not really knowing what to expect. The administrators at the shelter had told us that there was going to be a carnival to mark the official start of camp for the summer, but when we got there, we realized that we might have more work to do than we had thought. The carnival didn't really kick off until after lunch, so we entertained ourselves and the kids with more card games and chalk drawings.

After a successful lunch in the park, in which Cara and Thomas attempted to learn to juggle, we returned to the shelter for our last two hours. We finished up our cha
lk drawings and ended up with a lot of messy kids and a fantastic rainbow turtle. All of the kids worked together to created this masterpiece. All-in-all it was a good day with not too
many issues or fights. The kids are really lear
ning to work together and solve their problems with words instead of fists.

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