Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Weeding Wednesday

Getting weeding instructions.
"It's raining!"
"Are you sure we're still going to work outside?"
"I didn't bring extra clothes!"
"Well, we won't have to wear sun block!"

Yup, it was raining first thing this morning. But the message was that the Reston Association staff would be waiting for us - rain or shine - to pull up English ivy, an invasive species common in Reston woodlands.


As often happens around here, by the time we got to the weeding site, the rain had stopped. After a briefing by the Reston Association staff, we spent two hours pulling up long strands of ivy roots. We left behind two huge piles of ivy and carried home a huge sense of accomplishment... not to mention some pretty muddy pants, shirts, shoes and gloves!

The afternoon was spent untying a "human knot," finalizing our script and making props for the play we're presenting tomorrow.

 A little rest tonight and we'll be ready for Thursday!

A jackle!

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