Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Day 2 - The Playground Emerges!

June 26 -
Title: The playground emerges

Today was a busy day!
We again supplied two people to work in Bright Space (Noelle and Grace). We also played with the older children, continuing to work on basketball, knock-out, Uno, coloring, sidewalk chalk, and other fun childish activities!
The major "work" of the day (as opposed to playing with the kids) was to clear the overgrown area behind the fence that allegedly held a playground.
Two lawnmowers, two weed wackers, several people pulling weeds, carrying branches, and five hours later a playground emerged from the jungle!
Elder Harrison and Miss Bailey were stunned when they walked out of the building and saw that the playground had been cleared.

The other half of the playground

We worked so hard that some people passed out from exhaustion

This afternoon Paul ordered the mulch for delivery tomorrow and picked up the weed barrier to be ready for tomorrow.

Tomorrow we will lay down the weed barrier and spread two truck loads of mulch. Note: Two truck loads is twenty four (24!) cubic yards (YARDS) of mulch. That's six hundred and forty eight cubic feet!


Susan Ficklin said...

Thanks to St. Anne's for supporting this important work. And to the missioners - I know you expect the unexpected but mowing and mulching 24 cubic yards is definitely a whole new level of commitment!

Abuela Marty said...

Oh my!! Sounds like you are all having a challenging time. I know you're all up to it, though. My prayers for you all continue. Hugs all 'round!

Rev. Denise said...

Dear Friends,
You are doing mighty work with few resources. God bless you and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. And when you get discouraged, remember that this is such important work and that God's resources are unlimited!! Sending love and peace, Rev. Denise

Rev. Denise said...

Dear Friends,
You are doing mighty work with few resources. God bless you all and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. And when you feel discouraged remember that the work you are doing is so very important and God's resources are unlimited!! Sending love and peace,
Rev. Denise

Rev. Denise said...

Dear Friends,

You are doing mighty work with few resources. God bless you all and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. When you get discouraged, remember that the work you are doing is so very important and God's resources are unlimited!!
Blessings and Peace, Rev. Denise

Rev. Denise said...

Dear Friends,

You are doing mighty work with few resources. God bless you all and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. When you get discouraged, remember that the work you are doing is so very important and God's resources are unlimited!!
Blessings and Peace, Rev. Denise

Rev. Denise said...

Dear Friends,

You are doing mighty work with few resources! God bless you all and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers this week. When you feel discouraged, remember that what you are doing is so very important and that God's resources are unlimited!! Blessings and Peace, Rev. Denise