Friday, August 2, 2013

Mission Trip to Dungannon - July 29 - Arthur Payne

Monday was the first day of work and the volunteers and they were all very excited but tired.  One of the work sites lead by Tanner Poole and Eddie Webster was actually at the  the DDC (Dungannon Development Center) and so they had a more relaxed morning than most, although they still had to work.  Their work at the DDC mostly consisted of 
Cleaning gutters, cool sealing the two shed roofs and replacing metal door frames. In order to cool seal the sheds, they had to get on the shed roofs with ladders and spread the liquid cool seal over the roof so that the sheds could be better protected from various forms of weather.  The purpose of trying to improve the DDC was so that if we made our living conditions better, we could better help others who needed it.  After the volunteers returned from their work sites they ate dinner and ended the evening with a reflection about baptism in Dungannon and a peaceful compline.

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