Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A Successful Day of Starts and Stops

Today was a typical second day at Dungannon, VA. As our crews begin to have early successes, there is often an increase in demand for our services. One of the crews is working on a new Mission Building to support the local Methodist Church. The church's pastor envisions servicing this community with a new center that offers job counseling, substance abuse support, mental health counseling and an extension to the library. He has very big plans for this building and has taken our presence as a positive sign that his vision is closer to coming true.

We were not able to meet many of his demands because the church lacks the funds to purchase the supplies. Our crew sat patiently on site as the church leadership attempted to locate the right people to approve funds and move supplies to the worksite. We spent about 2 hours waiting and finally supplies came to the site. We were able to complete the insulation job and received instructions for future framing.

Our team is thankful to have the work. We are also grateful that the recipients of our services are humble and appreciative.
Written by Clifton

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