Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Dominican Republic - Day 3

Decorating bags for Friday

Day 1 is spent traveling. Day 2 is spent in worship and preparation. Day 3 is always a blur!


Sometime on Sunday afternoon, Father HipĆ³lito told me that the stairs we had planned to help construct would NOT be our project for the mornings this week. Instead, we would be refinishing tables and benches in the school dining room and repainting walls in the classrooms and passageway. What's a missioner to do? Roll with the flow.

The masking tape we had brought to hang the VBS artwork was quickly put to use in preparation for painting. Scraping and Spackle occupied the rest of us. Juan is our job foreman. Clifton and Bob encouraged the rest of us with paint brushes in their own hands. The children will return to fresh classrooms when school begins again in August.

Lunch. Maybe we should call it "the noon meal." Maria Perez is running the kitchen this year. Amazing food comes from that kitchen. We were joined by Charlie, Ercilia and Father German. Soon enough, it was time to head across the street for VBS.

We surely miss Poly, Lilian, Lilian Maria, Rosanna and Gabriel who were our music leaders for so many years. They are in Florida now. In their honor, we began the afternoon singing Hello! - ¡Hola! Charlie, Ercilia and Father German led us in several songs before we launched into a quick version of the creation story as an introduction to our garden theme. Watering cans and shovels were colored and taped to the walls. The final song was sung, the children left. We'll do it again on Tuesday!

Showers and La Sirena, dinner with Lazaro, an evening meeting (with amazing sunset) and rest.
It was night, it will be morning, a new day.

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