Wednesday, July 8, 2015

DR Mission 2015 - Day 4

 Tuesday - Martes - the day in which we sense our routine.

Bob and Juan, Katrina and Lexie
Breakfast in the hotel dining room - gather between 8 and 8:15.
The van and Padre Hipólito arrive to take us to Cristo Salvador - 9:15.
Review the day's plan and get busy - 9:30.

The best lunch ever - 12:30.
Cross the street from school to sanctuary for VBS set-up - 1:30.
Kids arrive, sing, story, craft, tape more stuff on the walls, sing, say see you tomorrow - 3:15 ish.
Load vehicles for trip back to hotel - 3:30.
Walk to La Sirena ("Target") or Ochoa (Home Depot), hang out, card game, dinner, evening meeting, prepare for tomorrow.
We grew corn and watermelon in our garden.

"Lather, rinse, repeat."

It all sounds routine, doesn't it? And some of it is. But the work plan changes. And the kids are more attentive during the lesson and it needs to go longer... or the opposite happens. Sometimes a visitor shows up and we spend time with Charlie. Sometimes we sit and enjoy the breeze while we listen to Padre Hipólito share stories of days gone by. If we stick so closely to our routine, we might miss those moments when the Holy Spirit fills spaces in between us with love and hope and friendship and joy.

Peace to you today. We will be sanding tables and making bracelets and finding for the joy.

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