Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Dominican Republic Mission -- Sunday, June 30

Just like at St. Anne's at the nine o'clock, I walked into Christo Salvador five minutes before service time to find two regulars praying quietly in their pews. What a joy it was to see their eyes light up with recognition as I approached. I felt like I was at home. Ten minutes later the church was full and we were into the service. Throughout the worship, I was aware of those in our group who were experiencing Christo Salvador for the first time and those of us who had been there many times. My sense is the feelings were very much the same. I watched as the congregation literally reached out their arms and enfolded our little band. Like at a family reunion, well it is a family reunion, it's such a surprise to see how the little ones have grown.

 My mind turned this morning to all the St. Anne's folks who have visited this place, worshipped in this sanctuary, and at San Lucas. I guess it must be somewhere around 100, maybe more. Tomorrow we start a new week, working in the neighborhood below the church, down in the barrio. In the afternoon we with gather with 150 or so neighborhood children as we provide them with a vacation bible school. We'll be there, with the spirit of those who have been here before, and with the spirit of all of St. Anne's.
--Father Jim

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