Monday, June 29, 2009


¡Hola, Santa Ana!

Fiona here. It’s Sunday night and our internet has been turned off, so this won’t be posted until Monday. But I’ve got to tell about the day while it’s fresh in my mind! Here goes.

‘Twas a bit of a difficult wake up this morning, we’re all still fairly exhausted. We choked down a delicious breakfast of café con leche, eggs and the FRESHEST mango in the world (such martyrs) and packed into our van, which is built for seven, but held 12 of us just fine (except for those crammed in the center…sorry Sarah and Phillip). Arriving at Cristo Salvador was like coming home. Padre Hipólito remembered those of us who have been before and was delighted to meet our seven new folks.

Church, as usual, was an absolute delight. We start off clapping with some super-excelente Dominican songs, which is sort of how you get the feel of the church. There were plenty of familiar faces, and I was delighted when two of them, named Rosanna and Lilian-Maria, came to sit with us. The peace would be familiar to any regular St. Anne’s attendant, as the church chaotically erupts into a noisy hug-fest (it’s always been my favorite part ☺). Padre Hipolito talked about (among other things) the importance of giving, no matter what hand you’ve been dealt. There is a huge amount of gratitude and appreciation for our presence and the work St. Anne’s does to get us all here. So, GO YOU GUYS!

Soon after we were presented with yet another heavenly meal, which we humbly scarfed, and took to playing catch-up. It was wonderful to talk with Padre Hipolito, his wonderful wife Dulcina, and his granddaughters Lilian-Maria and Rosanna. A bit of a food coma set in then, and we spread out taking naps, gathering around the fan, and playing games on Phillip’s iPod Touch. Around 2 we headed back to the hotel for showers, naps, blasting A/C, and general vegging. We finished getting our VBS kit for Monday ready and then sat down for (you guessed it) ANOTHER MIND-BLOWING MEAL. It sounds like I’m overestimating, but I promise I’m not. This eggplant will change your life, unless you’re Matt Miller, in which case it’s plantains.

Towards the end of dinner, Poli (Father Hipolito’s son, another priest), his wife Liliana, and their beautiful kids Lilian-Maria, Rosanna, and Gabriel joined us. It was exactly like a family reunion gone right and it was the final reminder that I was home. Gabriel has become quite taken with his new girlfriend (novia in Spanish, our one and only Sarah Binger!) and I’m sure there will be more romantic updates throughout the week.

As of right now, there is an intense card game going on that I am missing, so I’m done. We are all thinking of you, and being here is just like an extension of the St. Anne’s family.

Peace and love all around,

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